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5 Reasons Why Smaller Homes Can Save You Money and the Environment

18 Apr
Image: Creative Commons,

Image: Creative Commons,

With Earth Day just around the corner many of us are thinking about ways to create less impact on the environment. We will remember to do little things like bring our own reusable bags to the store, recycle our paper and plastics or turn off the lights when they’re not in use. While these are all points to consider, one thing most of us don’t really think about is how our homes can potentially leave a carbon footprint.

Home ownership has always been part of the American Dream. To some this means buying biggest, best house one could afford. While house size is a matter of preference, it may not be a practical reality for many. With larger homes comes more responsibility in terms of time, money and resources, which many of us don’t have with work, family and other life obligations.

This spring, the real estate market is expected to rebound and buyers can expect sticker shock as home values rise according to Realtor Magazine. While more square footage is desirable, it may not always be the best solution.

Here are five reasons to consider a smaller home:

1. Less Expensive Mortgage  Have we learned our lessons from the 2008 housing bubble and credit crisis? Many were reduced by circumstances to move from McMansion-sized homes to smaller spaces which caused us to rethink our home owning options. Want to read up on extreme cases small living? Check out this one family affected by the crisis who went from a large home to a less than 700 square foot sized cabin. For even more extreme cases, read up on the Tiny House Movement where people opt for less than 200 square of living spaces.

2. Less Maintenance Costs While HGTV has great profiles of beautiful dream homes, one thing it fails to present is the cost to maintain. Let’s say you buy a 7000+ square foot home filled with massive, chef grade kitchen, eight bedrooms, six baths, tons of living space, a pool, sports complex, beautiful gardens. We don’t live in the age of Downton Abbey where you have Carson the Butler and Mrs. Hughes the Housekeeper and their staff on hand. That’s fine if that’s really your dream and you have the resources to make it work, but most people find it more cost effective to either themselves. With a smaller space you can maintain your own house and save money on labor.

3. Less Hoarding With less space, you can’t hoard or have a collection of rarely used tchotchkes. Have you ever seen TV shows like Hoarders or Clean Sweep where people have tons of junk and keep accumulating stuff? Not to say that people don’t hoard in small homes too, but if you wanted to be able to live comfortably in your space, you’d have to get rid of stuff you don’t need or use or you’d literally be consumed with all your stuff.

4. Less Clutter Having little space will require you to ruthlessly edit your possessions and keep only those things that you truly need. You are forced to rethink buying habits and make decision about what you need versus what you want.

5. Eco-friendly By default, smaller home means you will use less natural resources. You won’t need a large sprinkler system for the large lawn. You will spend less time and energy mowing the lawn and general yard maintenance. Your heat and electricity bills will go down as you won’t have a lot of spaces using energy. If you’re building a new home from scratch and opt for a smaller sized home, you’ll use less building materials as opposed to if you were to build a larger home. It’s a win-win.

What are your thoughts on small home living versus living large?

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Downton Abbey’s Disturbing Episode, Downton at Golden Globes 2014

14 Jan
Downton Abbey Season 4


Last night I was going back and forth on my television between the 2014 Golden Globe Awards and Season 4/Episode 2 of Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey is my favorite series on PBS’s Masterpiece Theater so I had to ditch the glamour and fun skits that is typical of the awards ceremony for a little upstairs and downstairs drama. So yeah, Awards ceremony first, Downton Abbey and then back to the Awards show. Phew!

Anyway, here are some thoughts on this episode’s Downton Abbey:


Anna Bates


Oh the horror!
Anna: OMG, I was so outraged at what Gillingham’s valet Green did to you! I hope either you or Bates can avenge the wrong done to you sooner rather than later without bringing the authorities into this and keeping Bates out of jail.

Aren’t a lot of movies made like that where the guy at fault murders someone but no one ever finds out or they’re just lucky to get away with it? Where’s the accountability? I’m thinking of Jonathan Rhys-Meyers‘ character in Matchpoint in which he kills his brother’s girlfriend and no one suspects him. He’s just lucky and gets away with it. Why can’t the righteous ones be the ones to get away with things like that? It’s always the dodgy characters that get away with stuff. That’s not right. Not that someone was killed per se in this particular episode but the way injustice was done towards Anna’s character was just wrong. It’s still very disturbing quite honestly. What was Downton creator Julian Fellows thinking when he included a violence against women’s scene on PBS? I understand the need to shake things up plot-wise but that was not the proper way to do it. I just hope that in future episodes not only does the plot have more appropriateness for a PBS series but that justice is served and Anna gets revenge on Green for what he did to her.

For full details check out the UK audience’s reaction back in October after they watched this episode. For insight on why Downton is horrible to it’s female characters check out Slate’s article.

Downton Abbey Laura Carmichael Michelle Dockery

Image: Downton Abbey’s Laura Carmichael Michelle Dockery.

On a Lighter Note
Lady Mary: Things are turning up as a new possible suitor comes along to help mend your broken heart. BTW Michelle Dockery: You looked stunning at the awards ceremony! Loved the Oscar de la Renta number.

Lady Edith: Things are looking good between you and your boyfriend. If you had doubts that your father would not warm up to your beau, rest assured! Your man was able to win back winnings from a poker cheat and your father Lord Grantham said he (boyfriend) “behaved in a way that was gentlemanly” so, yay brownie points! BTW Laura Carmichael: You also looked great on the red carpet too – hardly recognized you in Viktor & Rolf!

Dowager Countess: Favorite one-liner from Maggie Smith‘s character: If I were to search for logic, I would not look for it in the English upper class.

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Anthropologie Sale: Freshly Cut

8 Jan

Selective Shopping
One of my resolutions this year is to find purchases that add value to my existing wardrobe as opposed to purchasing whole new outfits which I have done in the past.  Right now I’m loving that Anthropologie has a pretty vast selection in their clearance section Freshly Cut. I don’t have a big budget and even their mark-downs are pretty pricy. Since I’m an 80/20 Rule person where I don’t buy anything wardrobe-wise unless I plan to use it 80% of the time, I could use a few accessories or choice items to round out the wardrobe I already have. Here are a couple picks I added to my wishlist:

Merriment Beaded Top $59.95

Merriment Beaded Top

Printed Tuxedo Tee $39.95

Printed Tuxedo Tee

Personal Style
My style these days is minimalist cozy. I’m a mom on the go and don’t have time to primp to perfection. Five minutes and I’m out the door! I already have a minimalist wardrobe. I just need a few items to update it a bit, keep it relevant so I could put my best foot forward in my work. Cuz if I’m feeling good, everyone’s feeling good!

Anthro Styling Service
One thing I would like to try is Antrhopologie’s personal styling service. If you go onto their website, there’s an ad for it and it looks like it’s FREE (at least the first session). I’ve done a Google search and found one blogger who was able to relate her experience here. I haven’t seen anything more recent so that should be a future blog post coming from yours truly.

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Baby Steps: How to Opt for the “Less Waste Home” before “Zero Waste Home”

30 Dec


When Jess Chamberlain came out with her story in Sunset Magazine about the Zero Waste Home I was fixated! How could this family of four + 1 dog manage to go through an entire year with just one small jar full of trash? It boggled my mind that this family was able to do just that. It’s hard enough just keeping a home clutter-free, but garbage free – wow.



On the one hand, it would be ideal to go cold turkey and follow every single one of the tips suggested on the Zero Waste Home blog. Seeing the long list, it would be impossible to implement all these at once.

It’s certainly a huge commitment and takes dedication to get to that place of no waste.

Rather than see the glass half empty, I decided I’d rather start small, see what works, what doesn’t and adjust as I go along.

The Zero Waste Concept involves 5R’s:

  1. Refuse what you do not need
  2. Reduce what you do need
  3. Reuse what you consume
  4. Recycle what you cannot
  5. Rot (Compost) the rest

Thus, here was the challenge, here’s what I did, what worked, what didn’t and what I intend to do.

Challenge: An almost impossible dream – create a Zero Waste Home.

Small Steps
Here’s a couple tips I tackled:

1. Swap paper towels for reusable rags.

Use rags and less paper towels.
Spend less money on paper towels.
Cons: Small towels have to be washed. Although we still use the occasional paper towel, it’s made a difference in the overall waste we produce.

Use cloth napkins as opposed to paper napkins.
Don’t have to buy napkins, napkin bill went down.
Cons: Cloth napkins also need to be washed and that adds to your laundry bill.

Rethink the recycling bin
Ironically only a small percentage of recyclables actually get reused and the rest ends up in the landfill anyway, so recycling should be a last resort. What I did was use clementine crates for gardening tool organizing, donate glass jar containers to my son’s schools for paints, reuse christmas cards for craft projects for son’s school and reuse aluminum foil, take out containers and sandwich baggies before recycling.

2. Curb Holiday Consumption

Every year we typically buy presents for family and friends. We curbed overspending this year by bailing out of exchanging presents for everyone and offering 1 big present where needed. Example, my family and sibling’s family pitched in for an outdoor grill for my parents. Throughout the year, some potential gifts were purchased either on sale or second hand. Example, for my son, we got a good amount of outdoor toys and kids consignment store and Craigslist finds that were his presents.

What I plan to continue to do and follow up on:

  • composting
  • junk mail
  • add more indoor houseplants (to absorb toxins and clean the air)

What baby steps have you taken for reducing household waste?

Why DARLING magazine is great for women’s personal growth

29 Dec
DARLING mission statement

DARLING mission statement

I picked up DARLING magazine in the Sale section of Anthropologie expecting it to have your typical aspirational lifestyle photographs and content you could only use in everyday life if you had the money. I mean, I love reading shelter and women’s magazines but my biggest complaint would be that there are too many ads that distract from the stories, too many product placements in pricepoints way beyond what I’m willing to spend and tips I probably wouldn’t use- in essence most women’s magazines are ironically not for the average, everyday woman.

Plus, there are too many impossible standards to live by. How can you not be made to feel inadequate if there’s a bunch of airbrushed size two models in hyperpriced wardrobe in most of the glossy pages.

I was pleasantly surprised that DARLING magazine was not your typical women’s magazine. Don’t get me wrong, the photographs were near perfect and yes slim models were used for some photoshoots. At least they had their clothes on and weren’t super airbrushed and overly provocative like the women portrayed in Cosmo. Well DARLING magazine’s tagline is The Art of Being a Woman. Maybe this is the first real woman’s magazine of it’s kind. How progressive. It makes me want to read more and forget ad sponsored magazines trying to sell me something. This is the first magazine with a real mission statement and authentic voice I’ve found in a long while.


  •     There are no ads or product placement stories so content was coming from an authentic place
  •     There are actually useful tips that you could implement today – like building a capsule wardrobe
  •     Lots of eye candy and beautiful photography that’s inspirational
  •     Stories are positive, empowering and inspirational
  •     Advice comes from people who followed their own advice and show how it worked for them
  •     Great mission statement, sends positive messages to women – read their mission statement
  •     Digital issue ($5) is cheaper than the print issue ($20) – there’s also free content on their site


  •     Print magazine is expensive
  •     Not enough time to read all the content – there’s SO much information
  •     Print magazine is not readily available – could only get it at Anthro or online

Check it out and see for yourself here!

New sale items in Fresh Cuts

21 Aug

Anthropologie’s Fresh Cuts section has merchandise marked down to about 50% off.  Check out these cute sale items!

Spirited Peasant Top, $40

Gem Chroma T-Straps, $80

Hue-Piped Ballerinas, $50

Silk Road Mosaic Tee, $40

Novella Strapless Dress, $80

How Anthropologie and the Drought Got Me into Gardening

19 Aug

My jalapeno pepper plant

I’ve never had a green thumb. Most of my house plants tend to die. The ones that did survive were the Ikea ZZ plant and miraculously this hand-me-down jalapeno pepper I received from a lady at my puppy‘s playgroup. Since I’ve started simplifying and decluttering my wardrobe through the Glam Save Style Challenge, I’ve found the time to learn how to garden.

Alys Fowler‘s Garden Anywhere

Alys Fowler‘s Garden Anywhere from Anthropologie‘s clearance section in Boston has become my nighttime reading. (It sat on my bookshelf for awhile though.) I always wanted to start a garden but never knew where to begin. Anthropologie always had some gardening books and garden-inspired displays which piqued my mild interest in gardening.

Lauren Santo Domingo’s garden, Vogue (Sept. 2012)

I was also inspired by Lauren Santo Domingo’s garden in Paris featured in this month’s Vogue. Those large terracotta pots of lavender along with the purple salvia, bay, jasmine and roses reminded me of my mental note to start a garden (more for herbs and veggies, although flowers would be nice too). Seeing those pots made me think how container gardens seem like a good way to start since they’re smaller than traditional gardens and seem easier to manage.

Image from Alys Fowler’s Garden Anywhere

Nowadays with the drought affecting food prices, now may be a good time to learn how to grow some of our own herbs and vegetables. I remember after reading Barbara Kingsolver‘s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and Michael Pollan‘s In Defense of Food  how I’d wanted to try to find some small way to go back to the land. This is one way to start.

How to buy just the things on your shopping list

15 Aug

Lately I’ve not only tried using the 80/20 Rule for paring down the clothing clutter in my wardrobe via Glam Save Style Challenge but also in other areas of my life, including errand shopping. Whether it’s the grocery, farmer’s market, Target or Walmart, I often find myself distracted by attractive aisle displays, sale items or food or products I think I might need later and not what’s actually written on the shopping list on my iPhone Notes app.

Well, today actually felt like a mini-victory as I was able to get just the four things on my list and that’s it! That almost never happens as I always find excuses to put other things in my cart.

What helped were three things.

1. I made it a point to pay cash for this purchase. If I paid credit, I knew I’d be tempted to put more things in my cart.

2. When tempted to put a non-list item in the shopping cart (like a magazine or candy at checkout), I asked myself the following questions:

  • Do I need this item?
  • Will I use this purchase at least 80% of the time?
  • Will this help me on my way to a simpler, minimalist lifestyle?
  • Will this actually help or just add to the clutter?

3. Fortunately Walmart’s setup is more utilitarian than Target’s cool designed layout. Had I been at Target where they have more attractive stuff to put in your cart, I probably would have had to take out the non-list items out of the pushcart once at check out.

Anthropologie Duckie Rainboots found on Zappos, Not as Expected Though

11 Aug

So I finally found those Anthropologie Chooka rain flats I coveted back in March! (See previous post here.) They’re on Zappos for only $48! Alas, the size 7 was too big and I know size 6 would be too small :(. I’m a true 6 1/2 and never do well with full sizes. Also, the quality wasn’t as expected. I planned to use them for gardening and walking the dog in the rain. I was hoping for sturdy L.L. Bean quality but these are more for fashion and just look cute. I wanted to love these but didn’t work out that way. They had to be returned, otherwise I know in my heart I’d only use them maybe 20% of the time. Right now, I’m doing the Glam Save Style challenge where I purge my dated, unused clothing clutter, keep what gets the most wear and only buy quality items I plan to use 80% of the time. Anything not used at least 80% of the time gets the boot (no pun intended).

It doesn’t help too – the pictures really exaggerate what you want to believe in an online product. My fault though for not trying them on first. They didn’t have this product in the Anthro store near me to try on though. And the quality looked really good, but shame on me for not looking at advertising with a jaundiced eye and falling for the whole “Only 1 left in stock” in red caps for my size further enticing to buy the product. Lesson learned!

Eye Candy: Spring Shoes

28 Mar

These shoes are so not on sale yet. I couldn’t resist getting a pic of this display from the store at Rockefeller Center in NYC. I looked on their website for the rainboot flat. Couldn’t find it :(.